Every month I am planning on highlighting some of my favorite things. Recovery can make one pessimistic . Sometimes it helps to remember the good things in life past and present.

This is the Hobbit House I saw on my drive through Washington. The Hobbit was one of my favorite books as a teenager. My secret nerdy side (it wasn’t cool to be a nerd in the 80’s kids) always wanted my own Hobbit Hole. Maybe when I retire I will build one. It is basically a better version of those trendy tiny homes. If you want to see it yourself,it is located in Port Orchard, Washington.

My other favorite thing :this cool photo I took of the London Eye. I forgot it existed until it popped up on Facebook memories. I would love to go back to London one day. If you are ever there I highly suggest going on a Jack the Ripper tour. The very enthusiastic tour guides show you the sites of where his murders took place. Fun for the whole family!