My Dog,My Best Bud

This is Dasher. He is one of my biggest reasons for sobriety. He is a 60lbs ball of farts,drool, and energy. He also gets me out of bed on my toughest mornings,the days when I would rather stay in and listen to Warren Zevon on repeat. Even on days I am depressed he still needs to eat and go on walks. If I feed him, I might as well fed myself. He gets fresh water,I get fresh water. 

He was a ’23 Xmas gift to myself.

Xmas ’24

This was his first day home.

He depends on me for survival. Everyday I think to myself he can’t make it without me. If I don’t make it neither will he. He keeps me sane and sober. He sees me the way I want to be seen and everyday I strive to be more like that person. 

Dasher FAQs

Why the name Dasher?

He came with the name and it seemed fitting.

Why a Golden Retriever?

I wanted a best friend. I got that and more. Don’t believe me? He has followed me into the bathroom more than once and demanded pets.

Golden Retrievers are dumb…

That isn’t a question. They are highly intelligent but also goofy and energetic.

Who’s a handsome boy?


What is a Fun Fact about Dasher?

He got so sick his first night home I was worried he had parvo. Nope, just first day home nerves. And an impressive amount of diarrhea. So much diarrhea.

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